Sunday 18 June 2017

Presently I am suffering from Writers Block.   My head is empty.

Anyway my Golden Dawn in published two chapter in the the fanzine "To out run the Grey cloud", If you want a copy email me.  The Fanzine is price at RM15.00.

You can pay in to my CIMB Bank account.

Name: Qua Hock Seng
Account Number:  7019523269

After payment email me the bank in slip and I will email you the fanzine attached.,

My email:
Ling Kian Tecck and me post with my two books I Publish.  With his help  I was able to get the book publish.    Also much help from S H  Lim with editorial and formatting to get the Golden Dawn Publish.  Much thanks to the  two of them and acknowledgemnt I have givem fthem the cooks as complementary.

Sunday 7 May 2017

To-day, upload and publish my book Haunting, in Kindle and Create Space with the help of my friend  Ling Kean Teck.  We spend the whole afternoon working at Hin Bus Cafe, Jalan Briklin.  I wouldn't be possible to complete this Task and project if not for the helping hand of Kean
Teck.  My thanks goes to him.

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Offering of my Services.

I am registered with

I am offering my services as  a Freelance Writer Consultant, doing evaluation, grammar, edit and ghost story.  I charge USD 35.00 per hour for my services. For ghost writing, I charge 30 cents per word.

I cover subject, food, Health Supplement, Beauty,  Aikido and properties.

To employ my services, I need a week advance notice.

I beong to MyWriters Penang, and a member of Malaysian Writers community.

Contact Number: 60146695163 WECHAT/WHATSAPP/ SMS/CALL


ATTEND A NETWORKING  DINNER  at Zhonghua Gourment, Cititel HOtel, Penang to-day 22/Feb/17.

Organised by Mastery Asia. 

Golden Dawn Publishing Progress:

 Submit Golden Dawn Manuscript to Matahari,  returned rejected.  27/11/16.

submit to tittynopezine on19/2/17.  await  reply.

Christian Magazine:


Submit Poweer for living 


Wednesday 15 February 2017

The Answer to the Otard Millennium.

This is my second book following my first book OTARD.  Otard did not  explained and detaled what cause the happening.  this second book the "Golden Dawn, tries to explain the phenomenon. I explain the world brain tackling the the world events, and an understanding of the happening.

The first book was written in a short period of time  as author tried to unload his brain in a short period of time without loosing its memories.  The second book explains the fight between the kingdom of God and the  God battles with Satan.  

A must for every reader who wants to live a understanding life in the millennium.     The publication Grey Cloud will be publishing  two chapters  of thee Golden Dawn to promote my book. I had submitted my book to MPH  for publishing approval. 

Thursday 26 January 2017

Why I choose to Write as a Profession?

I choose to write a s a Profession because:

  1. I want to record the memories of my childhood days to  64 years old, I am to-day.  When I am 64, I want to do something worth while.  Something that  can be remembered in family history.
  2. I suffer from essential tremors and make it unable for me to earn a normal living. I come from a family of  five, from my first mother and and additional step sister from my second mother. I purchased a small dwelling with the money I saved before I fell ill with essential tremors.   To-day, I lived alone, as my spouse  left me and took my children with her  when I was suffering from over active thyroid and I was paralyzed. I now  lived alone.  Even though I am alone, there are  expenses to be met.  I need money for groceries, and meals, water bills to be paid, electricity bills, assessment maintenance management fees, gas, etc.  I only earned a living wage of RM600.00 not enough to cover my expenses. It was good enough to have a good  sister  to subsidize  my expenses.  It is not that I am greedy, I  would prefer to stand for myself and support my own livelihood.  It is not that I am ungrateful for my sister assistance. but I need to be a man.
I write because I want to be heard and understand.  I want my family and friends to understand why I did all I did, and why my wife left me and why my children  doesn't care for me.  I wrote my first book Otard and self published it.  It was not a brilliant idea.  I had no idea of book publishing and where to find them.  To-day I had joined some writers group , like Malaysian Writers Community and MYWriters Penang.  With these I  gather  information which is of great assistance to me. I got a copy the 2015 Guide to Manuscript Publishers (81 Traditional Book Publishers  that don't require agents), 2016 Guide  to Manuscript Publishers, The Paid  Publishing Guide Book.  Information on shot stories competitions and fiction competition. The Malaysian Writers Community and MYWriters Penang  has been valuable and helpful as to source and information on writing.

MY Passion for writing grew when I am struck with illness.  It was my childhood ambition to write, but I never got down to take action. Today I had 4 submissions and  a second book in the process of completion.  Writing is a number game.  The more you write the chances of your work will get noticed.

Feel free to comment on  my blog or if you have any questions to asks, I will be more thang glad to answer you questions.

Tuesday 24 January 2017

The Big Story OTARD

Otard is my first book, I self published.

Here are some  transcripts   from the book.

Chapter One:  Paragraph One
He is a Capricorn.  He was born in January.  His star  reads he had a weak knee and he fell down  lots of times, and suffering bruised in his knee cap in his childhood days. He fell not because he is suffering from weak knees but was kicked of  his bicycle by his close friend, and  was pushed  to the ground by his friend.  His star said  he is a leader and will climbed the ladder to the top. He will be successful. Never the less he is a goat, a mountain  goat.  But  no body thought  that he would be a scapegoat. How do you feel, being a scapegoat?  Do you like being a scapegoat? What is a scapegoat, you may ask?

In the year near end of  1979, somewhere in England, in  a small town, near West Ham Football Stadium a road not far away, a man way burning his properties and belonging.   Everything in his house were stripped to emptiness and brought to the garden in the little terrace house in England and set ablaze.  The burning took place for near to a week.  Furniture, books, collections and various objects and were destroyed in the fire.  The burning took place all day and night, till one night a local police constable of the London Police Force called on his house to tell him to put out the blaze

Why all these had to happened to him?  What cause it?  What motivated him to carried out these task?

Read the book and you will know why.    Thee second book he is working on is the Golden Dawn,  a continuation of this book.  The dark clouds that hovers over his head, is cleared in the Golden Dawn.

Get you copy Otard, to-day at

Monday 23 January 2017

There is room for everyone interested in writing.

There is room for everyone, if you choose to write.  Yesterday I mentioned  Malaysian Writers community. In Penang, we have  a writers  group, MYWriters Penang.  A platform for writers to gather and write.  It is held at LUMA, Jalan kampong Jawa , Penang. The place gives you the atmosphere  and mood for writing. A place fellow writers must check it out.   Presently MYWriters Penang membership is free.  I go there often to write my book, essays and article and anthology.  We writers meet every Monday at LUMA to carry out our work.  We do our book reading and pitching at Constant Gardener coffee once a month.

You can learn to pitch by joining a Toastamster Club in your area.  I, myself is a member of Farlim Toastmaster Club.  I joined the club in in the early millennium and  complete to competent communicator.  I now concentrate on writing but still an active member of the club.  Or, you can join Say It Like You Mean It, which is from time to time, they hold their workshop  at LUMA. 
MYWriters Penang, is founded by Anna Tan, Wilson Khor and Mark Walker  Come and join the family, if you are keen on writing. You can write to express your self,  to change thee society,  to feed  yourself,  to make money, to change the world, to change a political system, to convince people about something,   to tell a story,  to express vision in your mind.  

One such author who wrote to express himself, and change a political  system in history is Adolf Hitler, when he wrote about his struggle, Mein Kampf.  Another such great author is  Karl Mark, he wrote Das Kapital.   This tells you  "the Pen is mighter than the sword".  Words, Words, Words, but if you read the Holy Scripture, the first chapter  Geneis, God spoke thee first word, "Let There Be Light". and there was light.

I write to express my self, on  on my social status, encounter and experience.   You can do the ssame too.  

Sunday 22 January 2017

Advise to all newbie in the writing industry.

Otard is my first self published book, by Partridge of Singpore.  It covers the encounter and the happening to Otard, as a world brain.  At that time I self-published Otard with Partridge of Singapore (a random house of penguin), I had no idea of Traditional Publishing and self-publishing.  On joining Malaysian  Writers Community,  I learned a lot and  and come to understanding the working of an author and its publisher, editor and Traditional Publishing.  Much thanks is due to Tina Isaacs for accepting me into the community.

I learned my lesson as a self published author and never to do it again.  The service was terrible, and the charges were horrible.  They did not even carried out the work to perfection.  My book was not edited though I paid for the service, when eventually they refund me.  My advice to all newbie in the industry is never to self publish, but to go for Traditional Publishing, and start your career by writing for magazine.  You can write articles or anthology.  To make your work accepted take part in contest.

These is the only way to build a career as a writer.   Have no fear, write, write and write, and until you succeed.  I have submitted to four  different publisher , two contest and an article for magazine and and anthology.  It is a number game. The more you write, the  
more you submit, the more chances  you work will be noticed.  Do not be frightened of rejection.  I had one of my  work rejected, and one anthology and one article not selected for the contest entries.   

 I am still writing.  I believe I will succeed. I   had my latest book  though not completed, read by a Baba Dr Pepper Lim, and he likes the story.  He  gave me a good advise, never pay any publisher, they should pay you. Dr Pepper LIm, is a doctor in Phd.  He even recommend me an editor to help me with my work.  He write for the magazine Just English. The book I am working on is called thee Golden Dawn.  A few days ago, I submitted an article to Chicken Soup.  

To make a career you how must write many article you desire, like how many books you intend to write a year, and how many contest you desire to win, and  and how many anthology you intend to submit for the magazine.  My resolution is to write at least three to five  books a year and enter at least ten contest and  some twenty articles and anthology for the magazine. It is a job where you have to motivate yourself to keep to the date line.  

My pen name is LawrenceQua or Lawrencequaerabob in my book, but my proper name is Qua Hock Seng.  Most author use  pen name  to publish their book, and these sounds better and is  their brand.

Feel free to write to me about my work and advice on action to take as an author as a career, to all newbie.  Beside writing  books, articles and anthology, I read books and listen to music.  To up keep this career, you must be healthy, you need to exercise, and relax your brain through readings.